Tuesday 31 May 2016

Lake District 25th-27th May 2016

Lake District  Buttermere Evening View Tuesday 24th May 2016

Weds 25th May 2016 - A walk around Buttermere

An easy, simple, walk around Buttermere, with some shots of the Flora & Fauna that abounds around the lakeshore. Very pleasant.

Lake District Friday 27th May 2016

The weather had been pretty mixed most of the week and with risk of showers again, we elected upon a short local walk up to Crummock Water and Scale Force waterfall.

Heading up the path to nearby Buttermere and then heading right along a somewhat wet path that led us to the shore of Crummock Water after about a mile or so.

Scale Force is then about another mile or so heading left off this path away from the lake and a short hike up before reaching a footbridge and the falls themselves.

Scale force is the Lake Districts longest waterfall at 38m and you need to crane your neck to really see the slender top of the falls.

The way back follows a loop though the path does become a bit indistinct and somewhat boggy in places (as if found to my detriment in one place in particular)

More of those bluebells though.

Then an easy lakeshore take back to Buttermere and the hotel.

Our Walk Score: 6/10

Lake District 24th May 2016

Lake District Tuesday 24th May 2016

Fleetwith Pike (4 Miles) (4 Hrs)

With the promise of a better sunny day, an early start was in order with an alarm call at 5am, and a short drive to the other end of Buttermere avoiding the sheep scattered across the road.
Parking was at Gatesgarth farm (£4) and funnily enough the car park was deserted.

Setting off walking up the road at 6am, there was someone else around, a fellow photographer taking shots from the track leading up to the fell. We exchanged greetings and carried on walking as the sun began to rise higher.

A very distinct path begins the trek up Fleetwith Pike, winding its way around gradually steepening. Pausing for breath a few shots were taken in the good light now casting itself across the surrounding fells.

Butter mere itself looked like a mirror

Looking towards the valley and the Honister pass as the sun rises above the fell tops.

A good rest point at Low Raven Crag and the route ahead looks both steep and rockier.

As the path progress up the fell the rocky terrain abounds and use of hands is most definitely required. Probably an easy scramble really, but something to be aware of and it twists and turns around the rocky terrain as the summit nears.

Finally the top of Fleetwith Pike (2125ft) and stunning view of Buttermere and the surrounding fells.

View across to Haystacks, is that the Inominate Tarn?

The route back was over the top and down and right towards old quarry workings, zig-zagging around the old slate and a quarryman's hut (Dubs Hut).

Its a rocky twisting path down, but no scrambles

With good valley views

Yes quite rocky.

Then finally the last mile is easy along less rock and only slightly descending then flat tracks back to Gatesgarth Farm and there now quite full car park at 10:00.

Our Walk Score: 7/10